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Project Type : Personal / University project


Software Used : Unity 3D


Language Used : C#


Primary Role(s) : Game / Level Designer

Introduction :

"Singularité" is a project undertaken during my second year at ICAN, exploring the theme of Guy Debord's "Naked City." This semester was dedicated to in-depth research on situationism, aiming to extract a game concept from these studies. The final result stems not from a single research endeavor, but rather from a comprehensive analysis.


Project Context :

During my second year at ICAN, a colleague and I embarked on developing a puzzle game with a unique gameplay mechanic. We had approximately five months to complete this project, requiring effective organization and the enhancement of our programming skills in Unity 3D, as well as in game design.




















Project Objective :

In "Singularité," the player controls an avatar navigating a static world, capable of lunging to move. They can use any surface to cling onto and jump again, allowing for swift movement and attacking enemies from various angles. As the game progresses, the player must confront the AI of the Andora station, responsible for the disappearance of personnel. The ultimate goal is to reach the core of this AI to neutralize it. The project aimed to showcase our skills by making the game dynamic and entertaining, while highlighting the dash mechanic.




































Project Description :

"Singularité" revolves around the central dash mechanic. The player controls an avatar capable of two types of jumps, forward and backward. Each jump consumes a charge, rechargeable by clinging to a surface. An advanced technique involves combining forward and backward jumps to recharge charges more efficiently. The avatar can also be "hacked" by an enemy, reversing controls on the X-axis for a limited duration.
From a systemic perspective, the game involves maneuvering the avatar through an environment by jumping and clinging to surfaces. The ability to cling to any surface allows the player to observe the environment during adherence, promoting planning and strategy.
The dynamic mechanic creates challenges of observation, precision, and timing, requiring the player's careful attention to the environment's topology. Facing various challenges, including encounters, is necessary to progress in the game.



















Conclusion :

"Singularité" represents one of my most rewarding projects. Despite our limited team size and initial lack of knowledge, we managed to deliver a relevant and enjoyable video game prototype. This project was a enriching experience, strengthening our skills in game design and collaboration.




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